Drummer Jason Bonham (son of Led Zeppelin’s John Bonham) took over the drums for Chickenfoot’s encore (with Chad Smith on guitar!) at the Las Vegas Hard Rock on Saturday, Dec. 5th. “Rock ‘n’ Roll,” “Star-Spangled Banner”, and the group-participation-drum-mayhem were a fitting end to Chickenfoot’s last show of the tour.
Chickenfoot’s 2010 Plans:
As for Chickenfoot’s plans for next year, the future looks bright! They have a live DVD to be released soon (release date to be announced), and Sammy Hagar gave an update during the band’s December 5th live webcast; “The plan, in my book, is to do as many shows with Chad as we possibly can whenever he has a break [from recording with the Red Hot Chili Peppers]. If he gets a 2 or 3 week break from the Chilis, we want to try to go out and do some shows. Or do some recording. Whichever is easier. And we do have some songs/ideas written from the tour.”
Click the banner above for exclusive official Chickenfoot merchandise at Van Halen Store.