We just received a message straight out of the Mojo Dojo. Yes, another exclusive quote from DLR. Dave wants to clear up a couple of things:
1. I’ve always loved AC/DC.
2. I’ve never said that anyone’s audience was culturally illiterate.
I said that Ed was culturally illiterate.
God Bless our Troops..
Roth is referring to the recent, controversial article in Rolling Stone, Inside a Superfan’s Secret Friendship With Eddie Van Halen. And specifically to the following sentence, referring to what Eddie Van Halen supposedly told the author:
He says Roth only likes “dance music” and “hates bands like AC/DC,” adding that Roth calls that band’s fans “culturally illiterate.”
Here’s the full Rolling Stone piece, and the Van Halen News Desk’s article about it.