Credit: Jeffrey Sprigg (YouTube)
‘Tis the season for fans to celebrate the holidays with the music of Van Halen!
Check out these videos posted over the years by some very creative fans who synched up the music of Van Halen with homes that “light up the sky!”. LIGHT ‘EM UP!!!
by W0000DSTOCK (2010): A short but sweet video featuring the opening to Van Halen’s “Right Now”.
by Paul Muad’Dib (2012): Reaching for the night sky with Van Halen’s “Dreams”. Pay close attention to the bottom right window!
by kindysfactoryoutlet (2012): Philadelphia’s Kindy’s Factory Outlet lights up the streets of Philly with Van Halen’s “Dancing In The Street”.
by roxxxtar74 (2015): Is that an on-ramp coming through the bedroom? Ease the seat back and check out this amazing light display set to Van Halen’s “Panama”.
by Ken In Texas (2020): A Texas tribute to Edward Van Halen using the #1 single “Jump”. This one even includes the VH logo and lyrics lit up!
by Sam Morton (2020): Another video using Van Halen’s “Jump” only this one includes Eddie’s classic instrumental “1984” intro.
by Henry Leetz (2020): Another video created following the passing of our guitar hero Edward Van Halen. Henry lights up the night along to the sound of “Eruption”.
And now for the encore, we present to you – Santa Van Halen and “Christmas Eruption” performed by Kevy Nova. Kevy uploaded this back in 2012. Almost a decade later and it’s still the gift that keeps in giving!