David Lee Roth fans may recall it was right around this time in 1991 that the video for his single “A Lil’ Ain’t Enough” was in steady rotation on MTV. It was the lead single from the album released the previous month – ‘A Little Ain’t Enough’.
The video was classic Dave. Plenty of outrageous characters (remember the little people chanting “OOH! AH! OOH! AH!”?), beautiful girls and Dave doing another one of his trademark toe-touching splits, this time off the hood of a bad-ass Jeep. All of it makes for a great trip down memory lane thanks to YouTube. Yes, that wonderful time machine called YouTube, something we weren’t lucky enough to have back in 1991…which leads me to the subject of this article.
You may recall that, at end of the video, Diamond Dave is looking into a genie’s crystal ball and gets a glimpse of what life would be like far off in the future. At least it seemed far at the time. Brace yourself fans, the year Dave’s future took place in the video was…the year 2021.
At the 4:05 mark of “A Lil’ Ain’t Enough” we get a flash forward moment, which takes place on October 10th, 2021 – the day of Dave’s 67th birthday. It’s in the parking lot of California’s Anaheim Stadium where he’s about to perform the latest sold out show on a tour billed as “Diamond Dave: THE ABSOLUTE FINAL TOUR“.
I laughed my ass off when this video came out back in the winter of ’91 but, while I got the humor of it, I also couldn’t help but wonder: Where will Dave actually be in the year 2021? What will the world be like in 2021? Well, here we are exactly 30 years later so let’s compare Dave’s “A Lil’ Ain’t Enough” version of 2021 with how things really turned out.
In the video we see Dave pull up in what can be best described as a pimped out version of one of those landspeeders Luke Skywalker drove around in Star Wars. While we may have those fancy electric cars in 2021 we haven’t seen cars without wheels. Not yet anyway.
Next, Dave gets out of the vehicle somewhat gingerly as he looks, um, plump. He’s put on a few pounds folks. For starters Dave’s waist line is far from the “A Lil’ Ain’t Enough” 2021 Dave. Last we saw him was this past fall during an interview with CBS ‘Sunday Morning’. Unless he’s gone on a serious binge-fest since then we can assume he’s kept himself in fine shape.

Despite the extra pounds the “A Lil’ Ain’t Enough” 2021 Dave still has his mojo workin’ as we see him pull up with a beautiful woman by his side. Now I don’t don’t know Dave personally but I’m willing to bet the actual 2021 Dave can still work his magic with the ladies.
In the video Dave is still a rock star, so much so he needs a bodygaurd to fend off fans and members of the media. Is the real 2021 Dave still a rock star? You bet your ass he is!
Speaking of the media, in the video we see members of the press dressed in “futuristic” outfits that look nothing like what people wear today. In fact, they’re more like costumes straight out of the 1960s sci-fi TV show “Lost In Space”. Danger Will Robinson! Danger Will Robinson! Dave’s crystal ball also didn’t predict advancements in photography. Some of the media guys are holding out what appears to be some sort of high-tech flash-bulb camera to take shots of Dave. Sorry Dave, you lost me there.
As for the outfit the “A Lil’ Ain’t Enough” 2021 Dave is wearing, it’s pretty out there but, honestly, it isn’t too far off from how Dave dresses today sans the gigantic Elvis belt.
As for the “ABSOLUTE FINAL TOUR” prediction in the video? I hope that isn’t true Dave. I hope that when October, 2021 comes around you will have been vaccinated by more than just a phonograph needle and back on stage rockin’ again. Because, honestly, a little of David Lee Roth just ain’t enough.
Here’s to the future…