Rolling Stone magazine recently asked a series of questions to the former Van Halen front man for their ‘Last Word’ interview series. Sammy Hagar commented on a series of topics like the best and worst parts of success, parenting, turning 70, James Brown, what he thinks of Donald Trump, a possible Van Halen reunion, and more.
Here’s the Van Halen content:
Have you spoken to Eddie Van Halen since the final show of the 2004 reunion tour?
Nope. The closest thing we’ve had to a conversation was I wished him a happy birthday two years ago [via Twitter], and I said, “I hope you’re doing good.” He got back and said … I’m sure his publicist or his social media person probably did it, but with his blessings I’m sure, and he said, “Hey, thank you, I hope you’re doing well too,” or something like that.There are rumors every few months that you’re coming back to Van Halen.
I haven’t talked to anyone, and I’m not reaching out. I’m gonna tell you exactly what my dream would be, though. It would be Sam, Dave, Mike, Al and Eddie [the band’s 1984 lineup, plus Hagar]. If [Eddie’s son] Wolfie’s band opened, that’s fine.I’d say, “Dave, you go out and play two songs, then walk off the stage. I walk out, I’ll do two songs. I’ll walk off, you do two songs.” Can you imagine the competition of that? Dave goes out and does “Jump,” and “Ain’t Talkin ‘Bout Love.” I go out there and blow out something like “Good Enough.” You gotta hit it hard, and you better be good. I would give my money to food banks if they would do the same. I would love to give the fans the greatest Van Halen show they could possibly have today. And then say, “OK, I still don’t like you guys.”
Do you think this is likely to happen?
I think it could happen in a second. I think there’s so much money involved that somebody will make it happen. Think of the promoters, managers, T-shirt guys, you name it.Irvzing Azoff is a pretty smart guy.
Not a smart guy. He’s the smartest guy.He’s made the impossible happen with bands before. He just needs to convince Eddie this is a good idea.
Yeah. I really think it’s kind of inevitable. And if it doesn’t happen, it’s getting kind of late now. If it doesn’t happen by next year … Here I am making predictions again. But at 75, I don’t want to do a Van Halen reunion.But at 71, sure?
You can read Sammy’s full interview in ‘The Last Word’ which appears in issue #1290 of Rolling Stone dated June 29th, 2017, or at
Interview by Rolling Stone writer Andy Greene. Illustration by Mark Summers courtesy of Rolling Stone.
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