This week’s episode of South Park, titled “Ginger Cow,” featured an animated appearance of Van Halen! In the episode, Religious leaders come together in Jerusalem and settle their issues, and World Peace is finally achieved! The leaders announce to the gigantic crowd, ”Today, we are all united as one! Let us celebrate, under one symbol!” And then, on a massive screen, the crowd witnesses the symbols for Islam, Judaism and Christianity slowly transform into one single, united logo – the Van Halen logo. That’s right, the iconic rock band’s “VH” logo becomes the new, universal religious symbol that stands for Peace on Earth.
As soon as the VH logo is revealed, the classic opening chords of “Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love” blast over the PA, and a cartoon Eddie Van Halen steps onto the stage playing his classic red striped guitar. Then the rest of the band follows, with Diamond Dave shouting, “Hellooo Israel!” As the band tears through the hard rocking song, the diverse crowd goes absolutely crazy.
As Dave, Eddie, Alex and Wolfgang rock Jerusalem, a news reporter shouts to the camera, “The party is officially underway! Jews, Christians and Muslims have united, ushering in Ten Years of Van Halen! Out in the crowd, people are celebrating like never before! No doubt Israel is the happiest, rockinest place to be.”
In the second video clip below, Van Halen kicks into “Hot For Teacher,” to the continued delight of the crowd. The same news reporter, now shirtless and drinking beer, says, “What can this reporter say? Israel freaking rocks!”
And all is right with the world…
Both VH segments are combined in this video:
You can view the entire South Park episode featuring VH on South Park’s official website. The VH segment starts HERE.