The current issue of Hustler magazine has an exclusive interview with Eddie Van Halen. Here are the highlights where he talks about his upcoming wedding plans and making new music with David Lee Roth:
When can we hope for the new CD?
First, Wolfgang graduates, and then Janie and I are getting married. Then we’ll sit down, give Dave a call and ask him if he feels like whooping and hollering a little bit. I’ve got a ton of music.
Will your wedding be a traditional wedding or a rock star bash?
It’s a small wedding, with only family and a few close friends here at home in our backyard. It’ll be nice. My brother is going to marry us. He can actually legally marry us. He’s an ordained minister. Reverend Al. It’s gonna be great.
Who will be the best man?
My son Wolfgang, of course.
It’ll be a real family affair.
I have very few friends. Janie and I, we don’t go out much, except to the market. She’s a great cook, so why go out? I’ve never been the tye to hang out much or do the hollywood thing and that kind of shit. That’s why you don’t see me in the tabloids very often. We enjoy our privacy.
Do you still play every day?
I do now. After the tour I was a couch potato for a good five months, but I’m back! I’m writing, I’m doing everything–including interviews. (Laughs.)
What is the best part about being Eddie Van Halen in 2009 ?
I guess for the first time in my life I really feel good. I don’t really wanna get into the whole sobriety trip. But I’m just workin’ on a lot of things to get better at being here in the moment and stay clear, ya know? I have been drinking, smoking, and playing guitar since I was 12 years old. I still smoke, and I’m definitely playing guitar better than ever. I guess one of the three had to go. Along with some other shit. But alcohol was the wonder drug for me. It’s a trip to look back and go, Fuck, I’ve been doing this for over 40 years. I’m lucky to be alive. I’m healthier and happier than I’ve ever been.
Janie and I are getting married in June. She’s a beautiful, sexy, sweet, strong and smart woman who loves me unconditionally. And of course vice versa. I mean the love part. I have the most insanely gifted, talented, wonderful son (a direct gift from God), whom I love more than he’ll ever know. My brother Alex, who I just love so fucking much, it makes me wanna cry out of joy that I’m so blessed to have him since the day I was born. My best friend Matt, who I’ve known for over 20 years and works with me on just about everything I do. My friend Ryan and a few other people. A great career. And of course my own company, EVH brand of guitars, amps and accessories. What the fuck more could I ask for ? I feel like my life is just beginning. That’s what the best part of being Eddie Van Halen is….in any year.