Sammy Hagar told Ultimate Classic Rock Eddie Van Halen recently came to him in a dream and the two wrote a brand-new song together.
“About two months ago, I had this dream and Eddie came,” Hagar told UCR. “We were in a room like this, [with] a bunch of people around. It was just like he’d been gone. It was not like he was passed, but he had just been out of my life and we hadn’t seen each other for a while. He’s going, ‘Man, let’s write some music!’ I said, ‘Yeah, fuck it, man. Here, let’s go!'”
Hagar went on to say Eddie played a “lick” on his guitar and the two wrote the rest of the music.
“He did this harmonic thing and he slid it up to a chord, like a slide guitar,” said Hagar. “We wrote a song with that lick. I remembered it. I got up in the morning and I wrote the song. It’s called, ‘Thank You.’ I used the fuckin’ lick that he showed me in the song.”
Hagar added that he wrote lyrics to “Thank You” based on his experience. Although the song won’t be included on the upcoming Sammy Hagar & The Circle album Crazy Times (due out September 30), Hagar intends on putting it out at some point in the future and give co-writing credit to Eddie.
To read more of Hagar’s comments regarding his dream, head to Ultimate Classic Rock‘s official website HERE. The article is credited to UCR’s Matt Wardlaw and Matthew Wilkening.