The website Screenrant has just posted the list of the ten most-streamed Van Halen songs and while most of the songs on it won’t surprise you, there are a few that you may not have expected.
Screenrant‘s Elisabeth McGowan posted the list along with her thoughts on each of the ten songs. You can read them all HERE later but, first, let’s see what the top ten list looks like.
10) “Dance The Night Away” – 37 Million Streams
Not a surprise that this song has received a ton of streams, it’s easily one of my favorites and I’ve heard many-a-VH fan say the same. Interesting, I just met a guy a few weeks ago who’s in his late 20s and a big classic rock fan. He told me he wasn’t a huge Van Halen fan but definitely knew “the hits”. I asked him if he had a favorite and he enthusiastically responded, ‘”Dance The Night Away”! I love that song!’ Very cool to hear and an indication as to why this is the tenth most streamed song on Spotify eh? The youngsters apparently dig this classic DLR-era tune.
9) “Can’t Stop Lovin’ You” – 51 Million Streams
This one definitely caught me by surprise. A great Sammy Hagar era tune but there are others from his era that I expected to have bigger numbers but didn’t. A few that didn’t make this list which we’ll get to.
8) “Why Can’t This Be Love” – 60 Million Streams
No surprise here. We all know how huge this song was and still is on classic rock radio.
7) “Eruption” – 65 Million Streams
It’s possible that this classic Eddie solo reached the top ten after he passed away since there was a surge of interest in his work shortly after. Whatever the case may be it’s great to see so many people choosing this masterpiece to listen to. Sixty five million streams is a beautiful number to see.
6) “You Really Got Me – 70 Million Streams
Van Halen producer Ted Templeman wanted this blazing cover of The Kinks original to be the band’s debut single back in ’78 for a reason. He knew it would get radio airplay and he knew people would love it. And they still do over four decades later!
5) “Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love” – 82 Million Streams
We’re talkin’ ’bout a bonafied timeless classic with this one. Eighty two million streams and counting…
4) “Hot For Teacher” – 96 Million Streams
Van Halen + “Hot For Teacher” = 96 million streams. Didn’t need to do any homework to figure this one would be high up on the list.
3) “Runnin’ With The Devil” – 131 Million Streams
This the last of four tracks from Van Halen’s classic ’78 debut album; the most from any VH album on this list. Guess which album came in second?
2) “Panama” – 183 Million Streams
The second of three tracks on this list from the ‘1984’ album, “Panama” is another “no surprise” from this list. Ease the seat back, put the top down and turn the volume waaay up!
1) “Jump” – 439 Million Streams
An undeniable mega-hit, “Jump” is by far the most streamed Van Halen song with over 250 million more streams than the #2 song on this list. It also may very well be the gateway song for many future Van Halen die-hards who will only want to hear more of what this band did. And there’s more…LOTS more.
Now that we’ve seen what made the list of most streamed Van Halen songs on Spotify, how about some of the songs that surprisingly didn’t? How about “Dreams”, “When It’s Love” and “Right Now” from the Sammy era? I expected to see those songs put up top ten numbers for sure. I would put “Jamie’s Cryin'”, “Unchained” and “(Oh) Pretty Woman” from the David Lee Roth era on that list too.
What do you think? Which songs did you expect to make Spotify’s top ten VH list and which ones were you surprised to see did? Comment below.