From “Mean Street” to “Eddie Van Halen Street”? It’s possible but only with your help Van Halen fans.
The Pasadena, California’s online magazine Pasadena Now reported on Friday that a current effort is underway to commemorate Eddie Van Halen in the town where he grew up and formed his world-famous band.
Randa Schmalfeld and friend Julie Kimura are behind the effort. They are trying to collect $3,000 in order to circulate a petition and get it before the City Council.
Schmalfeld and Kimura told Pasadena Now they would love to see a permanent memorial to Eddie in the form of a street or an alley bearing his name.
“I feel like we should have dedicated space to honor Eddie Van Halen and his band,” Schmalfeld said. “He’s really Pasadena’s own guitar hero, and the original guitar hero.”
“I know of people who saw them play in backyard shows,” Schmalfeld added. “I’ve always loved their music. [Eddie Van Halen] exuded pure joy when he was playing. That smile touches so many people in an emotional way.”
If the needed $3,000 for the petition is exceeded, Shmalfeld said the surplus will be donated to music programs at Pasadena High School.
The fundraiser can be accessed at gofundme.com/f/pasadena4vanhalen. As of Friday it had garnered just under $500 in donations.
Schmalfeld and Kimura have also set up a Facebook page to support the effort, which can be found at facebook.com/pasadena4vanhalen.
10/18/20: The goal has been met. All additional funds will be donated to the Pasadena High School Music Program in Eddie Van Halen’s memory.
The campaign organizers sent some shout outs to the VHND community!
10/22/20: The Pasadena City Council is scheduled to consider a possible memorial honoring Eddie Van Halen at its meeting Monday, October 26th, according to an article posted by Florida news outlet Bay News 9.
City public information officer Lisa Derderian said that the city council will discuss a possible memorial, and that several city commissions may become involved if plans go forward.
“We’ve had numerous requests from the public, both locally and internationally,” she said. “This is something that has gained attention around the world since his unfortunate death. We’re proud of the fact that he was hometown raised.”