Today is David Lee Roth’s 66th birthday. In what normally would be a celebration of Diamond Dave’s life and career, we thought it would more appropriate to simply remember the last time he and Eddie Van Halen performed on stage together.
On October 4th, 2015 Van Halen performed the second of two nights at The Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. During their performance of the 1979 classic “Dance The Night Away” Roth took the opportunity to honor his friend and bandmate Eddie Van Halen.
“The high points of my life have been spent on stage working with you. You too, Al,” said Roth.
In hindsight this clip takes on a whole new meaning. Knowing that the future of Van Halen was always unpredictable Roth may have been thinking that this could be his the last time on stage as a member of Van Halen. It now turns out that it sadly was.
Here is that moment caught on camera:
Watch the entire concert from that night below: