From’s Top 50 Guitar Solos: Full List, Readers Poll Revealed
50. “Beat It,” Michael Jackson (Eddie Van Halen)
When fans think of Eddie Van’s best solos, they often forget his guest turn on Michael Jackson’s crossover classic “Beat It.” Van Halen’s solo cuts through the song like a chainsaw, before his fast fingers erupt into a frenzy not normally heard on a #1 pop single. The guitarist — who recorded the solo with Quincy Jones and Jackson free of charge — perfectly balanced his contribution between slick pop and overdriven rock. The result was something perfect for the King of Pop, and yet unmistakably Eddie. — Bryan Wawzenek
14. “Hot for Teacher,” Van Halen (Eddie Van Halen)
How does one describe the best of the best from the best of the best? In the solo for “Hot for Teacher,” Eddie Van Halen doesn’t just deliver one of the most blistering, melodic and captivating solos of his career, which is saying a lot. No, Edward also puts on a clinic on how impromptu time changes for the guitarist (while the rhythm section remains locked in 4/4) are perfectly acceptable — as long as your name is Eddie Van Halen. Do not try this solo at home. You’ll undoubtedly jettison your guitar and take up the recorder, which would be a shame. — Sean Patrick Dooley
2. “Eruption,” Van Halen (Eddie Van Halen)
You’ve heard of the Big Four? With apologies to Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax, I’m referring to the original Big Four: “Mona Lisa” (Leonardo da Vinci), “David” (Michelangelo), “The Thinker” (Auguste Rodin) and, of course, “Eruption” (Eddie Van Halen). The first time I heard “Eruption,” I remember asking my friend to play it again for me because I wasn’t sure what I had just heard. “Oh, it’s a guitar, and it’s being played by one guy!” he assured me. It was too difficult for these young ears to comprehend that the symphonic cacophony I had just heard came from one man, one guitar and no overdubs. “Eruption” was an epiphany to me as a fledgling guitarist, as well as to millions of music fans everywhere. Nearly 30 years (and a zillion guitar solos) later, I’ve yet to hear its equal. — Sean Patrick Dooley
The Top 50 Guitar Solos: Repeat Offenders
Some guitarists’ soloing greatness can’t be contained by one entry (or even three!). Check out these repeat offenders on’s Top 50 Guitar Solos of All Time:
Eddie Van Halen: 3 (“Eruption,” “Hot for Teacher” and “Beat It”)