Van Halen Plot Reunion: David Lee Roth Plans to Join Eddie and Alex for Major Summer Tour
The reunion that Van Halen fans have been awaiting for twenty-two years began in December, when David Lee Roth walked into Eddie Van Halen’s Hollywood home studio. There he rejoined the band for a rehearsal, singing fourteen Van Halen classics. “They totally got along on a personal level,” a source close to the reunion says. “And it sounded great.” At press time, Roth and the band were negotiating a deal for a major summer tour, which would be Van Halen’s first Roth-fronted tour since 1984. Along with a possible Police reunion, it would likely be among the year’s biggest box-office draws.
“Everything is up in the air,” Eddie Van Halen tells Rolling Stone. “We don’t want to say anything prematurely.” He suggested that the band is waiting on Roth: “People know where we are and that we’re making music. Whoever wants to come up can join us “” they’re welcome.” But the famously contentious group may already be having communication problems. The source replies, “Dave is ready. He’s been ready.”