The Best Of All Worlds summer tour is in the books and Sammy Hagar has thanked the fans in a new video. Sammy and his bandmates Michael Anthony, Joe Satriani, Jason Bonham, and Ray Thistlewaite will play three shows in Japan next month. As for what happens after that? Watching the video above, it appears like the Best Of All Worlds band isn't done yet! … [Read more...]
Thomas Dolby: Edward Van Halen’s Life Was Like ‘Spinal Tap’
Edward Van Halen saw This Is Spinal Tap. He also lived it. During a recent interview with Jeremy White, Dolby recalled a conversation with Edward when the topic of Spinal Tap came up. At the time, Edward was lending his guitar talents to a few tracks on Dolby's then-upcoming album Astronauts & Heretics - "Eastern Bloc" and "Close But No Cigar". "I went up to his … [Read more...]
Edward Van Halen’s ‘Frankenstein’ Ranked 3rd Most Iconic Guitar Of All Time
Edward Van Halen's homemade "Frankenstein" guitar placed third on Billboard's recent list of the 100 most iconic guitars of all time. Before we get to what Billboard had to say about Edward's guitar and their rankings, here is how they came up with their list: What is "the greatest"? Iconic, influential, inventive, famous, game changing? Unusual, oddball, beautiful, even … [Read more...]
Did David Lee Roth Almost Form A Band Featuring Billy Sheehan & Carmine Appice?
A David Lee Roth band featuring a returning Billy Sheehan and drummer Carmine Appice almost happened in the late 90s? That was a question DLR Book author Darren Paltrowitz recently posed to Sheehan. Below is the Q&A excerpt from Sheehan's recent appearance on Paltrowitz's podcast The Paltrocast. DP: In '97, '98 Dave did this newsletter through a website that's since … [Read more...]
Michael Anthony Expects Alex Van Halen’s Book To Focus On The Good Times
Credit: Neil Zlozower Michael Anthony doesn't know what's inside Alex Van Halen's upcoming book "Brothers" but he expects Alex will focus on the good times had rather than the dirt. "Alex, basically, like myself — I've never been one to wanna talk smack about the band or whatever, 'cause I choose to remember all the good stuff and all the good times that we had," said … [Read more...]